Saturday, November 27, 2010

Song Lyrics and songs that I like
By Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young  Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

It's getting to the point
Where I'm no fun anymore
I am sorry
Sometimes it hurts so badly
I must cry out loud
I am lonely
I am yours, you are mine
You are what you are
And you make it hard.

Remember what we've said and done and felt
About each other
Oh babe, have mercy
Don't let the past remind us of what we are not now
I am not dreaming.
I am yours, you are mine
You are what you are
You make it hard.

Tearing yourself away from me now
You are free and I am crying
This does not mean I don't love you
I do, that's forever,
Yes and for always
I am yours, you are mine
You are what you are
You make it hard.

Something inside is telling me that
I've got your secret.
Are you still listening?
Fear is the lock, and laughter the key to your heart
And I love you.
I am yours, you are mine, you are what you are
You make it hard
And you make it hard (x 3).

Friday evening, Sunday in the afternoon
What have you got to lose?
Tuesday morning, please be gone I'm tired of you.
What have you got to lose?
Can I tell it like it is? (Help me I'm suffering)
Listen to me baby.
It's my heart that's a suffering (Help me I'm dying)
It's a dying, that's what I have to lose
I've got an answer
I'm going to fly away
What have I got to lose?
Will you come see me Thursdays and Saturdays?
What have you got to lose?

Chestnut brown canary
Ruby throated sparrow
Sing the song don't be long
Thrill me to the marrow.

Voices of the angels, ring around the moonlight
Asking me, said she's so free
How can you catch the sparrow?

Lacy, lilting, lyric, losing love, lamenting
Change my life, make it right
Be my lady.

Que linda me la traiga Cuba,
La reina de la Mar Caribe
Cielo sol no tiene sangre allĂ­,
y que triste que no puedo vaya,
Oh va, oh va, va.

(Oh, what beauty Cuba brings me,
The queen of the Caribbean Sea,
Sunny sky has no blood over there,
And how sad that I cannot go,
Oh go, oh go, go.)

Gumboots By Paul Simon

Lyrics:I was having this discussion in a taxi heading downtown rearranging my position on this friend of mine who'd had a little bit of a breakdown I said hey you know breakdowns come and breakdowns go so what are you gonna do about it,that's what I'd like to know

You don't feel you could love me but I feel you could

It was in the early morning hours when I fell into a phone call believing I had supernatural powers I slammed into a brick wall I said hey is this my problem is this my fault?if that's the way it's gonna be I'm gonna call the whole thing to a halt

You don't feel you could love me but I feel you could

I was walking down the street when I thought I heard this voice say say, ain't we walking down the same street together on the very same day?and I said hey senorita that's astute, I said why don't we get together and call ourselves an institute now?

You don't feel you could love me but I feel you could

I was having this discussion in a taxi headed downtown...

Speaking of Love, How about "Let my Love" Pete Townshend?

When people keep repeating
that you'll never fall in love
when everybody keeps retreating
but you can't seem to get enough
Let my love open the door
let my love open the door
let my love open the door
to your heart
When everything feels all over
when everybody seems unkind
i bring you a four-leaf clover
take all the worry out of your mind
Let my love open the door
let my love open the door
let my love open the door
to your heart
I have the only key to your heart
i can stop you from falling apart
release yourself from misery
only one thing gonna set you free
it's my love
When tragedy befalls you
don't let it drag you down
love can cure your problems
don't forget i'm around
Let my love open the door
let my love open the door
let my love open the door
to your heart

Thanks for the Lyrics:
Taken from:

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving To All

Happy Thanksgiving to all
And to all a good roast
Let your spirit stand tall
But take care not to boast

Remember where you came from
Don't forget who you are
For we know of just some
who we view from a far

Who don't have much time
To spend with loved ones
Whom view it a crime
And trust it as such

That they live far away
And must work very much
Who forget everyday
Why America is touched

So help them remember
America's greatness in all
In this month of November
Let's help them stand tall

Whom do I speak of?
Of whom do I call
It's those soldiers in battle
In a world torn to Hell

Let's all lift a toast
To the Red White and Blue
And pause to remember
Why they fight for you

So roast the Turkey
With Thanksgiving in our hearts
And be kind to Neighbors
For just a start

And when someone asks you
What Thanksgiving really is about
Help them by explaining
Of how others do without

We are the richest
It is so true
How God has blessed us
The Red, White and Blue

So let us remember the family of man

Not just this time of Thanks
That strive to live this world in
While never breaking ranks

Rob Pion
24 November, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Our Tax Dollars Hard At Work

Why Michigan Should Have a Part Time Legislature

How often do we actually get to meet with our elected legislatures?  For that matter, how often do we see them work, other than on television when there is a publicity event scheduled by Lansing?  Following this questioning, how often do the elected people actually spend in a legislative session, and how much money do they spend during their time in office, in expenses, just to represent the people?  These questions are not asked enough to make a positive difference, or change in government.  People should be asking, more often, about what our legislature is doing, and how they are doing it, in regards to how they represent us, and how they spend our tax dollars.  Our state legislature is designed to represent all of the people of Michigan, and not just a few who’ve had their complaints make it all the way to Lansing. 
What really happens in Lansing is that you elect a person to represent your district or region, for full time work.  That means that they work about as much as primary or secondary education teachers, as it relates to sessions of congress.  They show up about 250-275 days a year.  They do work hard at getting the right people to endorse the right bill through the right method to go to the right committee, and this goes on and on, in the process to get a bill to go to the executive department.  You can see where this is going.  They arguably do work a full time job and therefore deserve a full time paycheck.  Our legislatures work at least five days a week, then go home to their constituents and loved ones on the weekends when congress is in session.
This is when, they argue, they have the time to meet with their people, only on the weekends and on the days that congress is not in session.  When congress is in session, our elected officials have an expense budget, so that they can get their offices to get things done, from everything to paperwork, to fine dining.  Imagine if you had an expense account to socialize, to get people to understand your job, because your boss really didn’t know what you did?  That is exactly what our congressmen and women do. 
They are also meeting with the big player constituents, interest groups as most people would call them, to receive favorable “charities”, to ensure that the big constituents can get a bill that nobody knows about, which very few people understand, passed into action as a bill to the executive department.  So, too define it, big interest groups meet with our representatives to ensure that our representatives pass bills that are favorable to big interest groups only. 
So, since the lawmakers are doing lunches, dinners and meetings to discuss bills, when do they really have time to talk to us regular folks?  Just on their time off, unless some unknown person is lucky enough to catch their congressman’s eye on a bill that needs to be passed anyway, or when they are running for re-election.  It really is difficult then, for our representatives to meet with us.  They have a lot of different things going on, because their priorities are not focused on us.  Shouldn’t their priorities be on us, the state budget, during these recessionary times, and not just the money, expenses and politics as a lifelong government bureaucrat? 
Well, what if they dedicated all of their time to meeting with us as individuals?  Would it be any better?  It could because we the people would have more of a say in how the state government would work, as far as where the tax dollars go, and from where we collect our tax dollars.  Do you realize that we, as in our government, just laid off over one thousand public safety (state police) officers?  Did we have much of a say in that?  Not really.  Granted, hard decisions had to be made.  But is there another way to do this?  I believe that there is another way.
Michigan state legislatures (as in both house and senate) should be placed on a part time job basis.  The main point is not because of the current economic recession that has brought Michigan to a standstill.  The State Government could save a lot of money and be more viable as a representative government over the long run.  It should be proposed that the legislatures work out of their offices and homes in their representing districts via online meetings and other social networking secure computer pathways.  It will make our government more efficient as it relates to; representing our people, time and money.
The concept of making our government more efficient; as it relates to representing our people, time and money is simple.  First, set up secure computer intranet connections throughout our congressman’s home and district office.  Next, pass a law that makes a congress meet on a part time basis, as needed (let the lawyers haggle over that concept).  Not full time, Monday through Friday, 5 days a week.  Let the congress figure out, but mandate that they meet 3-4 months, possibly throughout the summer, to meet face to face, and when they have a yearly budget to pass.  The rest of the time, they can meet in their little groups, on line. 
For instance, Joe Representative, from Detroit, can work out of his home and office, 2-4 days a week, for three weeks out of the month, for 4 months a year.  All he does is meet with constituents at either his home or office.  He also goes to Lansing for the summer term, and that’s all.  During his work time, at his Detroit office, he is meeting online in say, the senate budget appropriations committee, which has its’ own network on the internet government website, where he sits in on a two hour network meeting to discuss ways to kill “the fatted calve” or whatever they do in their bill subcommittee meetings.  They draft and clean up legislation for the summer, or for emergency hearings We can let the attorneys figure out how the computer people can do open and closed networking for the public internet, to allow the public to see the representatives on line or not..  The rest of his work week, he can spend, meeting with his constituents, hearing good news, and receiving criticism on how well “his” legislature does business for Michigan as a whole. 
Once the internet system is in place, and the representative’s staff is trained up, the government can function a lot smoother, more time, money and people efficient, the way that our founding fathers thought that it would.  We have all the “know how” needed to make this happen in our state.  This possible solution will give our representatives more time to listen to us, and less time to spend, currying favors from and to big special interest groups, giving us a more representative government, and one that’s more fiscally conservative as far as it relates to the expense of running a state government. 
If you think that this is not possible, because it would cost too much money, just ask your representative what his base salary is, what the cost of his/her healthcare is, what his yearly annual expense budget is like, and what the expense is, of operating Lansing for one continuous year.  Then, combine it by all the members of both houses of our state congress.  Sounds like a lot of money to most people, isn’t it?  It is a certainty that within a short period of time, the government could save that money back, or at least enough for the 1,000 police officers they let go.    When this part-time work, computer plan, can be a success, then people will be able to ask, more often, about what our legislature is doing, and how they are doing it, in regards to how they represent us, and how they spend our tax dollars.