Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving To All

Happy Thanksgiving to all
And to all a good roast
Let your spirit stand tall
But take care not to boast

Remember where you came from
Don't forget who you are
For we know of just some
who we view from a far

Who don't have much time
To spend with loved ones
Whom view it a crime
And trust it as such

That they live far away
And must work very much
Who forget everyday
Why America is touched

So help them remember
America's greatness in all
In this month of November
Let's help them stand tall

Whom do I speak of?
Of whom do I call
It's those soldiers in battle
In a world torn to Hell

Let's all lift a toast
To the Red White and Blue
And pause to remember
Why they fight for you

So roast the Turkey
With Thanksgiving in our hearts
And be kind to Neighbors
For just a start

And when someone asks you
What Thanksgiving really is about
Help them by explaining
Of how others do without

We are the richest
It is so true
How God has blessed us
The Red, White and Blue

So let us remember the family of man

Not just this time of Thanks
That strive to live this world in
While never breaking ranks

Rob Pion
24 November, 2010

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